Thursday, May 29, 2014


Now that I've been back a few days (and am somewhat adjusted to the time change) I've had the chance to reflect more about my trip.


Aside from my 40th birthday, our family heritage was a catalyst for our trip. We visited Skibbereen, Ireland, and Isle of Skye, Scotland, because that's where some our ancestors were born and lived. 

We also visited lovely and grand estates and castles. My ancestors were not a part of the aristocracy. They were poor people who probably fled their homes, families and everything they knew for the hope of a better future.

They left everything they knew.

They left everyone they knew.

I believe it was when I was in a shop looking at Prince George's commemorative plates, bowls, cups, blankets, etc, etc, etc. I realized how much he is going to know of his families history. It's all documented so well. Many of us could even tell stories of Great-Great Grandfather and his speech impediment.

It's easy to get caught up in all the grandeur of it all. The immense estates. The immense wealth and privilege.

I must admit, and to many it will come as no surprise, that I am a sucker for British period drama. In many of the dramas I've watched, there's an emphasis on class, birth, or title. 

I would get caught up in it.

As I walked the ground where my ancestors walked, I almost felt apologetic that they were so humble.

However, when I was viewing the Crown Jewels at the Tower of London, I came to a great realisation. As I looked upon a solid gold punch bowl that was three feet wide and at least that high, I was sickened with the excess of it all. 

Why are these things praised?
Why are these things admired?
Why are these things coveted?

Yes, my ancestors were not of noble birth. However, they were the ones carrying the nation. They were the ones on whose back the nation was built.

Isn't that true in our nation?

Like my ancestors, I wasn't born a noble or titled birth. 

I come from a strong, hardworking lot. 

I come from a line of hard working farmers.

I come from a line of civil servants.

I come from a line of strong, independent women (no need to tell my husband that one).

I come from a line where family is 




There is honor in that.

There is inspiration to be had there.

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