Thursday, August 4, 2016

I see you

Six months ago I took this picture.
Six months ago I made a commitment. I made commitment to let myself to be seen
really seen
Six months ago I made a commitment to see others. To say to them in either word or deed,
I see you.
I see you.
I gotta be honest with you. It's not been easy. I still have many days of hiding myself, making myself invisible, not letting myself be seen.
What I've noticed lately is how little I really see others around me.
During a conversation with a friend about the homeless, those begging for help. I heard myself say I heard myself reveal the darkness in my heart
Oh, I don't really see them. I don't see them.
Oh the darkness in my heart.
Today was a different kind of day.
Maybe it was grace.
Maybe it was the feeling of swimming in a familiar lake of grief,
marinating in my sadness and loss.
Today was a different kind of day.
Distracted by my self, my loss, my grief, my stress, my schedule I found myself not realizing the drive thru line had moved forward. The rumble and rev of the engine behind me jolted me back into the reality I was desperately trying to avoid, to escape. As I glanced into my rearview mirror, I saw their faces, hanging low. They looked tired, worn out. Heads hanging at the end of bent necks.
Pay for their order a familiar whisper came to me. My heart began to pound.
Pay for their order the whisper nudged. I'm learning to be obedient to the familiar whisper. The more I turn my ear to it, the more I hear it. The more I obey it, the easier it's become to recognize.
Their order was $7.18. I rushed to the next window to claim my order and make an attempt to disappear before they realized, before they understood what's happened.
As I glanced again in the rearview mirror, I saw hands and arms reaching and waving thank you. The bright sun hid their faces, hid the heads that had hung low.
I made my way to the stoplight thinking it was done, but then I heard the rumble and rev of the engine again as they pulled along side me.
Windows down so I could hear, so I could see.
Heads that had hung low from bent necks were now held high.
At the end of extended arms were cups held high.
Smiles so bright.
So much joy.
Wet joy and thanksgiving began to pour from my eyes.
I got to be apart of this. I was seen and nudged to act.
I saw them.
I saw them.

What if you did that? What if everyday by word or deed you let someone know
I see you.
Isn't that what everyone is searching for?
To be seen.
To be seen for who they are
Not for their job, their gender or their skin
But for who they are
What if you stopped and let someone know
I see you.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you wrote about this. What a beautiful exchange that you didn't ask for or expect.

    If you'll allow me, I see YOU, the way you're striving to be honest about your process, about your first reactions even if they're not the first reactions you wish you had. I see you, the way you're keeping your ears and eyes open for those glimmers and inklings. I see the way you're training your heart to heart to do those things that so be scary but important. Thank you for sharing your beautiful imperfect humanity with those around you. You make it easier to be our own imperfect, true selves.


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